Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Globe Will Soon Shrink!

I always wonder if it is right to term this world as a 'global village'. I really cannot appreciate the concept of liberalization, privatisation and globalisation (LPG). This might have helped a few multi national companies amass profits through 'transfer pricing'. The region where I was born haven't yet gotten in to a global mindset. It is just acting contrary to the globalization mantra of 'Think Global Act Local'. It always acts as if it is a global state but its thinking has been too local.

Every state in this country is a liquid state and only the 'son of that soil' can thrive in that particular region. The 'Pizzas', 'Yadavs', 'Thackareys', 'Shorans', 'Banerjees', 'Gowdas', 'Abdullas', 'Reddys' and 'Dravidians' and their sanctified family members along with their near and dear can only participate in this saintly nation's development. My identity is that of an 'Aryan' in Chennai, the city in which I was born and brought up.

I would be called a 'Madarsi' or a South Indian when I travel up north. I am allowed to travel anywhere in India, but if I have to work or do business anywhere outside the state of my birth I'll have to compromise with the local hooligans and be party to all their activities. I am identified as an Indian on other Asian countries. When I travel to the Europe, the Americas or to Africa, I am an Asian. Will ever someone reckon me as a fellow human? Why do I need a lot of valid documents when I travel outside my country, while European and Australian birds can migrate freely to "Vedanthangal" (a bird sanctuary near Chennai). Is this the price we pay for what we call as civilization?

Is it wrong on my part to imagine the world to be a single entity and a free roaming zone? Why do I need a passport, visa, work permit or a resident permit to crawl around my own 'mother' earth? Are we not children of the same earthly family? Do we only fight among ourselves and kill each other and can't we live together peacefully?

I am still optimistic about an open world where every thing is ever ones; a world without war, a world without racial discrimination, a world without religion, a world with only the language of love, a world with freedom of movement, a world where each one cares for every one. This could be an unrealistic dream for now, but sooner or later the man kind would unite. Yes, surely this globe will shrink soon.

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African Doctors As Founding Presidents

There exists a need for African doctors to begin to revisit their business models. The European welfarist concept of healthcare management is outdated in the sense that the system hardy equips African doctors for the economic realities of our socio-political transformations. Hardly, is there any medical practice that can take its true financial statements to the bank to automatically secure financing, or even overdrafts without some other negotiations coming into play.

Yet, in modern economies this is the most basic of business documentation as it defines the business in one glance. Unfortunately, we all too often believe or claim association with capitalist countries whose political systems serve as models for our economics. Our doctors are no doubt taught excellence in the care of the sick to the best that available facilities permit. The truth is that the sick must be fed, and lodged while the doctor deserves his wages.

Our current curricula do not incorporate training or appreciation of the operational logistics that facilitates these services. Our healthcare industry will continue to be pedestal; under-funded and under-developed in so long as we do not appreciate a need for the level of education in business management that equips our doctors for the new economic realities.

The era that medical school graduates become assimilated directly into the public service has become history. Hence, many of our doctors hide in disgracefully set-ups called clinics; either as the business owner or an associate. The struggle to meet up with bills without the financial support to establish a desirable well-funded clinic becomes the prevailing influence over routine facility management practices.

A close look at our private clinics confirms that it is not a personal financial contribution, interest or intellect that continues to stunt their business aspirations, but a lack of basic management skills that is able to secure the necessary figures that attract investments. Sadly, its those figures that matter most for the risk assessment status of business most to the money bags that catalyze capitalist economies.

Figures don't lie

The reason that banks and other investors love financial statements is that figures don't really lie however good you may be at manipulating them. Eventually, the ratios and trends will show you up during a serious investor's analysis. This is irrespective of company size. Therefore, whether you are a Shell, a Toyota, a Microsoft or even the Mom and Pop corner store, the most basic common denominator is the Financial Statement. It is the reason why giants like GM can still pay their workers even though they appeared insolvent, and raking massive interests on loans, until they were bailed out. These statements exposed the manipulations taking place in Enron and got some of the directors in jail. The analysis of the statements decided that the Lehman Brothers should be allowed to go down in spite of the devastating effects on the American economy. Essentially, financial statements are basic communication tools for business management; they help communications across the various participant groups.

Hence, no serious business manager can expect to lead a modern company without a good knowledge of the 3-page simple Financial Statement. Our clinics are seen as companies or business units in business parlance, and how they are assessed by money men. It is that simple because there are exactly the same number of lines and questions per page per section for every company in the world. The only difference lies in the figures quoted. It does not matter if you are a pharmacy or you manufacture airplanes or you sell clothes.

Unfortunately, we are not exposed to this knowledge in principle or practice, and this deficiency can be adduced as primarily responsible for us not to be skilled in sourcing for funds required for establishing, upgrading or managing clinical practices adequately equipped with the type of infrastructure of our dreams compared to our counterparts in other economies. When we attend international meetings they continue to discuss gadgetry at levels that are beyond our means; yet, we know that given an equal footing these colleagues are not smarter than us.


While it may be true that the organizations responsible for our educational development can be more effective as systematically addressing our deficiency, it is also true that these organizations take ages to adjust to the realities of trends. For instance, the postgraduate medical colleges are more flexibly governed and powerful enough to institute curricula changes that may eventually percolate down to the other sectors of the educational system, as they come appreciate the reality and adjust their curricula. This is easily so in the West African sub-region that I am more familiar with.

Smart leaders of medical societies are also able to assert political leadership capabilities by instituting an empowerment agenda that the schools can build upon. However, in the end, the financial success of any business venture rests on its management, especially its president. Whether, he is addressed as Chairman, CEO or Director, there are enough free sources online to help him update on the basics of business management, which may lead to further more specific sources of reliable information. Unfortunately, until we appreciate the necessity of incorporating basic business management training into our healthcare education our management economics will remain grounded in modern perspectives.

John Omoluabi

Feeding a Growing World Population With the Aid of Science   Cable TV Without The Commercials - We Wish   Why Should Those Who Pay No Taxes Be Allowed to Vote?   A Different Perspective - Nathuram Ghodse   The Tim Tebow Phenomenon   

Why Working With an Insurance Specialist or Agent Is Better Than a Provider

When you shop for insurance, you generally could go in one of two different directions. You could go directly to an insurance provider, in which case you probably are working straight through one of the large national companies. Or, you could work with an insurance specialist, a company or individual who works with many different providers and basically shops around on your behalf. Here's why you should choose the latter, and work with an insurance specialist or agent instead of going straight to the provider company.

First of all, you always want to have options at your disposal. Being able to compare different packages and plans from multiple providers will allow you to find something that is truly the best fit for your unique situation and circumstances. This way, you never get stuck with something which is only partially a fit, and you never are left wondering what else is out there that could have been better.

Many insurance specialists don't just pull from a handful of providers, they work with dozens at a time. Not only does this provide options, but it also enables you to find the lowest prices. When you go straight to a provider, the price you get from them is all there is. Yes, they might quote you a few different providers, but those quotes might not be accurate, and they won't represent your full range of options. Therefore, the best way to get a good deal is to work with a specialist who shows you everything that's available.

Another huge benefit to working with an insurance specialist or agent is that they will be doing all of the legwork for you. They'll be working with those different providers, searching for the best plans and prices, handling the paperwork and on down that line. That makes the whole experience that much more rewarding and hassle-free, and you can save your time and energy.

Plus, individual insurance agents and brokers will offer you a level of support, assistance and attention to detail that providers can't match. Anytime you need help, or have a question, they will be there for you. You won't just be a small statistic on the huge files of an insurance provider who really doesn't know you at all.

As you can see, the way to go is definitely to choose an individual insurance specialist. From price savings and comparisons, to a hassle-free experience and great customer support, this is the best way to get new insurance.

Four Tips for Overcoming Your Cold Call Anxiety   How Are Loss Assessors More Beneficial Than Independent Agents?   3 Tips for Making the Most of an Insurance Telemarketing Campaign   Where Can I Get Direct Mail Final Expense Leads   

Top 10 Tips For Insurance Agency eMarketing Success

Insurance Agency eMarketing is often described as an art and a science, but the basics should be simple enough for any agent to follow. Unfortunately I've seen many basic rules broken by agents sending out emails that use colored fonts, capital letters in the subject line, and prolific use of spam words like "free offer" that are almost guaranteed to send an email to a junk folder. The list below represents the top 10 tips to help ensure insurance agency eMarketing success. These tips are applicable to both small scale campaigns using simple eMarketing tools (even Outlook) and large scale campaigns which run in the thousands of contacts.

Easy Opt-Out - Make sure you have a simple "unsubscribe" link and quickly remove anyone who wishes be deleted. NO SHOUTING - See how bad those capital letters look? Do not shout in your subject line, or the body of the email. No Colored Font - If you are attempting to market a professional product or service, do not use gimmicky colored text. Minimal Bold & Italic Font - Bold and italicized fonts are not off limits, but keep their use to a minimum. Only a phrase or two. No Spam Words - Stay away from "Free Offer" or "Satisfaction Guaranteed". Be Concise - People are busy, so be brief. A few sentences and a clear call to action is much better than too much verbiage and loud text. Page long lectures and email diatribes are not the way to go for your insurance agency marketing. Simple Call to Action - If you have someone's attention, make it quick and easy for them to take action. Offer Value - Make sure the prospect will receive a real benefit by answering your call to action. Professional Salutation - Please use Sincerely or Best Regards and your real name and real title. Stay away from motivational quotes and gimmicky closes. Subject Line Promise - Make sure your subject line appropriately describes the content of your email body. Not only is this the professional way to approach eMarketing, it is also one of the CAN-SPAM Act regulations.

And remember, graphically rich HTML emails may look great on your computer, but will not likely display that way on your target prospect's computer, and are more likely to be intercepted by spam filter. Simple and concise business emails often work better than graphically rich emails, and look much more like business communication and less like advertisements. Make sure you read the CAN-SPAM Act regulations and closely follow these important regulations.

Four Tips for Overcoming Your Cold Call Anxiety   How Are Loss Assessors More Beneficial Than Independent Agents?   3 Tips for Making the Most of an Insurance Telemarketing Campaign   Where Can I Get Direct Mail Final Expense Leads   How to Become an Insurance Adjuster   

Are All Partnership LTCI Policies Ideal?

Private insurance companies and various state government agencies collaborated on the partnership long term care insurance program mainly to get the whole nation to plan their future healthcare needs and be prepared for the cost of care in the future.

At present, professionals in lucrative jobs can look at the rates of long term care (LTC) facilities and confidently say that they'll manage to have more than enough in their nest egg when it's their turn to receive care. What they do not understand is that a nursing home's annual rate won't always be $84,775; an assisted living facility's monthly rate is not stuck at $3,096; and home health aides will naturally charge higher than $19, too, in the future.

The fact of the matter is that the cost of care will continue to rise without putting consideration on people's money. Its principle determinant is the growing population that requires LTC and this is comprised of elderly people, children, disabled and injured adults.

For as long as people continue to grow old, the cost of care will not cease to rise. Perhaps this is reason enough to plan your future healthcare needs. Without a definite plan, you will wind up depending on Medicaid.

Now going Medicaid is not going to be a problem if your current monthly income is below the poverty level and you could not care less if you would lose your job tomorrow because you don't have a family to feed anyway. But if you're not a nomad sure you would want to receive quality care someday and you wouldn't want to burden your loved ones, right?

It's only with a well thought out LTC plan that you can make this possible. One of your options is a long term care insurance (LTCI) policy.

Go Standard or Partnership Long Term Care Insurance?

If you shop around, you will find different types of LTCI policies each designed for a particular individual's healthcare needs.

There are reimbursement LTCI policies, indemnity policies, and those that comply with the partnership program.

Purchasing any of these products will protect your finances someday should you wind up receiving care. If you choose a reimbursement or indemnity policy just see to it that your benefits won't get exhausted before the end of your benefit period or you will be forced to pay for your LTC expenses out-of-pocket.

To continue receiving LTC coverage after having exhausted your LTCI benefits, you will need a partnership qualified policy. With this product, the insured shall be exempted from Medicaid's spend down rule should he apply for Medicaid assistance to receive extended care if he had already used up his benefits.

Partnership qualified policies come with a special feature called dollar-for-dollar asset protection. This allows the insured to keep an amount of his assets that is equivalent to the benefits he receives from his policy in case he decides to apply for Medicaid eligibility.

If your state of residence participates in the reciprocal agreement of the partnership program then well and good, as you will be able to use your partnership long term care insurance in other states participating in the said LTCI program. If not, perhaps you should study it first or discuss your other options with your family and LTCI broker.

Learning the Ropes of LTC Insurance   Finding the Right Long Term Care Resources   Long Term Care Costs and How Age, Health, and Location Affect It   Is 30 Year Term Life Insurance the Best Protection for Your Family?   

Reinsuring the Risk - Medicaid Compliant Annuity or Promissory Note

Generally speaking, after the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, if a community spouse uses a Medicaid Compliant Annuity, or promissory note, to eliminate the spend-down amount an institutionalized spouse is immediately eligible for Medicaid benefits. After the purchase, if the community spouse's income is less than his or her monthly maintenance needs allowance the shortfall would be shifted from his or her institutionalized spouse's income prior to determining the Medicaid co-pay. Thus, maximizing the term of the annuity to the full extent of the community spouse's Medicaid life expectancy results in an income planning opportunity. The only downside of a maximized stretch is that if the community spouse predeceases the term, leaving an opportunity for the state Medicaid agency to recover from the residual benefits.

For example, assume that Alice resides in the community, and her husband Roger is in a nursing home. The monthly private pay rate for Roger's care is $6,500, while his monthly income is only $1,500. With a Medicaid per diem rate of $150, Roger's facility receives approximately $4,562 per month for a Medicaid resident.

With Alice being 77 years of age she knows that her Medicaid life expectancy is 11.26 years/135 months. If she eliminates their $226,000 spend-down amount by purchasing a Medicaid Compliant Annuity she would receive $1,724 per month for 135 months. The total pay-out is $232,740. With Alice having a monthly maintenance needs allowance of $2,841, and monthly income of $2,224, Alice has a monthly income shortfall of $617. With that amount being shifted from Roger's monthly income, less his $35 monthly personal needs allowance, his Medicaid co-pay is $848. For each month that Roger is on Medicaid benefits, his Medicaid claim amount increases by $3,714. The $3,714 consists of the Medicaid rate of $4,562 being reduced by Roger's monthly co-pay of $848.

If Roger dies after receiving 38 months of Medicaid benefits the Medicaid claim amount is fixed at $141,132. If Alice dies 24 months later, 73 monthly payments still remain in the Medicaid Compliant Annuity - residual balance of $125,857.11.

To protect against such a result, at the commencement of the plan Alice could have purchased a term life insurance policy with a face value of $130,000. The policy would have had an annual cost of approximately $4,034.60 - assuming a standard rating. With a preferred rating, the annual cost of the policy would have been much less. Nonetheless, without any question the policy would have reinsured against a risk of a Medicaid claim.

Learning the Ropes of LTC Insurance   Finding the Right Long Term Care Resources   Long Term Care Costs and How Age, Health, and Location Affect It   Is 30 Year Term Life Insurance the Best Protection for Your Family?   Finding Ways to Lower Long Term Care Premiums   Which LTCI Policy Is Right For You?   

Building a Boundary Wall: How to Start Planning and Allow for Costs

Planning your New Wall

Determine the actual position of the boundaries where the walls are to be built. If it is a shared boundary between your property and your neighbours', you can approach them to take part in the planning, building and cost of your wall. Should any existing wall, fence or any other division between properties be taken away or adjusted higher or lower, make sure you consult with your neighbour first.

Local Municipality regulations. Different areas have different prescriptions. More on this in next week's article, but find out what your area's prescriptions are at your local Building Plan submission offices.

Trees in the area that could damage or adversely affect the structure in future need to be taken care of. Before removing them, rather consider the following:

Approach a tree specialist and find out whether the root system is aggressive or not. What are the chances of the root system damaging your wall's foundation.

Find out how to treat any damaged roots to prevent the plant you so dearly tried to save from dying anyway. I recall a story of an architect that revised the plans of an entire block of apartments to save an old tree. Three months after completion of the project, the tree died due to damaged roots, but I digress...

If there are roots in the way, a ground beam or lintels can be spanned from one column to the next. This replaces the foundation and the wall is built on top of that. Consult an engineer of expert in the field if trying to attempt this.

Step the wall back from the boundary line and build around the tree. This is also a good way of breaking the monotony one gets from a too long continuous wall surface.

If building on a steep slope, you might want to level your ground to create a flatter, more usable ground surface. This means your boundary wall will double as a retaining structure and will have an impact on the design of the wall structure. It also means that an engineer has to be involved in your building project.

There are also other ways of retaining soil, these include gabions (wire baskets filled with stone), precast concrete retaining blocks and even used tyres. The method of retaining soil will depend largely on space available, budget and the type of division to be built on top of your retaining structure.

DIY or Using a Contractor

In these financial trying times, we all try to save on any expenses. If approached correctly - and taken into account the difficulty level based on retaining, finishes and so on - you may be able to save some money by doing it yourself. This should be approached with care and proper planning.

Using a contractor obviously has its advantages. If a reputable builder undertakes your project, this can free up a lot of your time and can save you quite a few grey hairs. They have a good general knowledge of standard building practices, problem solving and materials.

Ultimately the choice is yours, but be sure to take all factors into account.


The list of costs of building your boundary wall can include many factors. Here are a few standard expenses to consider:

The design, dimensions and length of the wall including size and finish of gates and openings and automatic motor gates.

Type of Materials used. This will depend largely on your design style and finishes used:

Brick, stone or concrete walls, palisade timber or wire fence?

Will it be plastered bagged or face-brick, painted or unpainted

What kind of bricks will be used, imperial or maxi's, clay or cement or maybe concrete blocks?

If opting for steel trellis or palisade fencing, will it be galvanised (A good option in coastal towns) or painted?

If building a stone wall, can it be locally sourced and what will the extra costs be of employing a good stone mason?

Slope of the ground: A steep slope will probably mean more concrete for foundations. If, as previously mentioned, a retaining structure is to be incorporated, the fees of an engineer and extra material are to be added to your costs. You shall also have to allow for drainage of storm water damming up behind the wall.

The type of ground on the property can have an impact ot the type of construction and materials used. Normally, this does not affect boundary walls so much, but if in doubt, consult an engineer or a contractor familiar with the area to ensure correct construction method and appropriate footings are used.

Security cameras. Intercom systems including video, electric fencing, beams, security lights. What type of extra security measures will be added to the new wall? make sure to adhere to local Building Regulations, Plans and Approval if adding security measures on top of your wall.

Drawing of plans. Although not all governing bodies do not require that your plans are drawn up by a SACAP* registered person, a knowledgeable architect or draughtsman will be able to produce proper building plans which are in line with Local Municipality regulations, NBR* and SANS*. They are also good with advice, problem solving and design related issues.

Submitting & approval of your building plans at the local municipality. This is normally a small, fixed "Minor Works" fee, but enquire at your Local Municipality's Plan Submission Offices.

Building costs. These can vary based on abovementioned styles, materials and physical features of the property.

Plumbing: Any existing plumbing will have to be protected. Drainage of water build-up may have to be addressed.

Finishing: Lighting, repairing your garden and overall finishing off on and around the wall.

In next week's article, we shall look at:

Building Reulations, Plans and Approval: What you need to find out before designing your walls

Style, Design and Wall Finishes: What style should you go for and which materials to choose

Common Pittfalls: Things to be on the lookout for

Techniques and Processes: What techniques should be followed for your particular wall or fence

List of Abbreviations:

*NBR: National Building Regulations

*SABS: South African Bureau for Standards

*SANS: South African National Standards

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How To Save Money on Construction

Here are 10 simple ways to save money on your construction project, be it a small renovation/remodel or building a new house.

1. Set a Budget! It is important that you control costs. The best way to do this is to start with a, "not to exceed number," set down on paper and in your mind. You can get a rough estimate of the cost of construction that you want done by searching the internet and talking to contractors. This will give you enough information to set your rough budget.

2. Add 20% to your budget to be used for unanticipated costs which you will label your," contingency fund." This total should be the final amount you will pay under any circumstances. Make this number work for you and do not release any part of this money without carefully exploring all alternatives.

3. Decide how you want to proceed, either acting as your own contractor doing all of the work yourself, or, do some of the construction yourself and subcontract some parts such as Electrical and Plumbing, or, hire a General Contractor to handle the project you decide to build. This is your first opportunity to stay within your budget and reduce your construction costs. You do this either by negotiation or competitive bidding. You can further reduce costs by furnishing some, or all of the materials.

4. Material Costs- Once you have determined what you will be building and the method you will use to get the work done, a material list will be needed to enable you to go shopping for the best prices. Here is an area where you can reduce costs by comparing prices, for example; between your local lumber store and home depot. When you make this shopping list be sure you are pricing apples to apples and oranges to oranges and that the quality of the material is roughly the same.

5. Material Substitution- There can be substantial savings by substituting top of the line material with lower priced products. You do not want to get carried away with this approach by going to the very bottom of the quality barrel. You need to consider how long this product will last and how good it will work for you over time.

6. Building Permits- There really is no good way to get around permits and associated fees without taking the risk of an inspector coming around at a later date and making you take part of you building apart, to enable the inspector to determine that the materials and installation conform to the local building codes. They have the authority to do this in most areas of the country. You do not want to make the mistake of starting a building project without having a permit from the local authorities along with the required inspections or you might find yourself having to take apart and redo some of the work.

7. Insurance- Yes you do need insurance coverage while your construction project is being built. Check that any contractor you hire has insurance prior to signing any contracts. Your homeowners insurance may protect you for uninsured workers on your house, but check to make sure you are covered and if there will be an added cost. If there is an added cost you may want to bid this out, but as I mentioned earlier, when taking bids make sure you are comparing apples to apples and oranges to oranges.

8. Legal- If you are going to be signing contracts, you should seek some legal advice regarding any contract before signing. Lawyers should be shopped for price and quality prior to agreeing to use their services. Here is an area you can save money. Careful shopping for an attorney will get you good advice at the lowest possible price.

9. Contractors- I could write a book about working with contractors as there is a large diverse group out there and they all want your business. My uncle Harry was a purchasing agent for a large corporation and his criteria was, "Quality, Price and Dependability." This is a very good rule and it requires you to do some investigative work by checking references and reputation before engaging. Once you have determined the contractors you would like to have, allow them to give you a competitive bid or negotiate the price of the work. This is a critical time for adjusting the costs to conform to your budget, and for saving money.

10. Starting the Work- This is where you can prevent extra charges to your construction project by scheduling the work to enable the different crafts to be on the job when they are needed and not when they cannot do the work because of someone else's unfinished work or lack of materials. If you are furnishing the materials, to save money, you will need to ensure that they are at the project when needed by the craftsmen or face additional charges when they must come back numerous times.

There you have some of the ways I have learned to reduce construction costs, be it a remodel/renovation or building a new house. There is one final item I would like to add, and that is attitude. Craftsmen that are treated with respect will generally respond in kind. Yes you are paying the bills but remember the Golden rule and treat the workmen with dignity. Trust me on this and it will pay off for you in unimagined ways. Wishing you Good Luck on your next project.

Using Dry Ice Blasting to Prep Your Concrete   The Different Types of Cladding Used In Construction   Home Renovation Services   Getting The Most Out Of Conservatories   Why Should You Use A Residential Architect?   Garage With Apartment: What Are Its Benefits   

How a Business Partnership Dispute Can Arise From An Incomplete Partnership Agreement

Most partnerships in business will be governed by a partnership agreement. However problems arise when the agreement is of a poor standard and a partnership dispute comes up.

A business partnership is like many romantic partnerships. It starts great, but after a while cracks may begin to form and a business partnership dispute can arise. This is why it is of paramount importance to have a written agreement in place at the point when the partnership is formed. It may seem awkward to suggest a formal agreement, especially if your business partner is a family member or friend. However, in this situation you must put the awkwardness to one side and create a written agreement that covers all the necessary angles. If you don't have any formal written agreement then you'll partnership is governed by the Partnership Act of 1890- and you may find that, being bound by the Partnership Act, you are lumbered with provisions that you wouldn't have chosen yourself.

A written partners agreement is not legally required, but may save a a large amount of hassle if things turn sour between two partners, and a business partnership dispute arises. If you think you may not have covered all the bases, you can seek legal advice from a specialist business law solicitor in preparing your partners agreement. This will make things easier if the partnership falls apart somewhere down the line. Anyone without previous experience of a business partnership is unlikely to know exactly what needs to be included. Some partners agreements can be very complex, in which case it is highly advisable to seek professional advice from someone who can assist you.

Amongst the useful source provisions that you need to include in a written partners agreement are allocation of profit and loss, what happens if a partner dies, conflict resolution, and many more. You would be surprised at how many people overlook some of the most important aspects when agreeing to the terms of a written partnership agreement, but this can cause significant problems in the future.

Some people think that they are totally covered for every eventuality just by the mere fact that they have a written partnership agreement. However, most people in business know that there are many complexities and changes that can arise with a business, meaning that partners may not see eye-to-eye, or one partner wants to leave. It is vital that all of these aspects are covered. Then, if a business partnership dispute arises, a great deal of time and money will be saved because everything has been clearly defined.

Remember the old saying "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail."

How a Business Partnership Dispute Can Arise From An Incomplete Partnership Agreement   Partnership Disputes Resolution   Partnership Disputes Resolution   

Review of "Nobody's Perfect"

Kallypso Masters has delivered another great book in her series Rescue Me. Her third installment "Nobody's Perfect" is the story of Damian Orlando and Savannah Baker. It begins eight years after they've lost touch with each other. Savannah is running for her and her daughter's life and heads to the only person she can trust; Damian.

I suggest readers begin with the free Prequel on "Masters at Arms". That is where you'll find the beginning of Savannah's and Damian's story.

Being with Damian reawakens repressed memories and feelings she does want to keep hidden--buried. Sex is associated with pain and she doesn't want the feelings Damian is awakening. But she can't help remember that one day eight years ago and constantly reminds herself she can trust Damian and sex with him is more like love. Something Savi's never experienced for a man.

Damian has turned to SM to regain control of his life and emotions and fulfills the role of Service Top to "bottoms" in the club in need of catharsis by whipping or other SM practices he is skilled at delivering. But he could never deliver that level of pain to Savi, who needs someone gentle and loving, not the man he has become. But when Savi witnesses a cathartic whipping scene on her first night at the club--delivered by Damian--she begins to wonder if this Damian could also help her regain control of her life and reclaim her sexuality and identity.

Don't dismiss this story as another erotic novel by the blurb above. While it is in that category. I have to say this story is an emotional roller coaster for those who've experienced Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD and those who haven't.

The scenes are volatile, but love and care is given just as much attention as delving into her psyche to reveal secrets Savi's long repressed.

(Quote) "It will never be okay. I will never be okay. I'm too broken." "Nobody's perfect, Savi. Hell, look at me. But you'll always be perfect to me."

In my own situation as with the characters, counseling has been a part of their recovery. Keep an open mind when reading the book.

This book was by far the most emotionally charged of the series. Don't get me wrong I've loved all of the books so far. I was on edge with Savi and her dealing with PTSD; not to take away what Damien was going through, but you'll see he's worked through a lot of his PTSD through BDSM in earlier books.

(Quote) "Savi held onto his wounded leg, wrapping both arms around it and laid her forehead against his knee. She wished she could shed tears for him, but she hadn't been able to cry in... forever."

Kallypso has kept the story responsible, loving and cathartic. By the end the characters have come to a solution, but their happy ever after is going to take a while and more sessions to get Savi to where she's fully healed.

(Quote) "Marisol told me once you'd forgotten you were a princess. I just wanted to make sure you never forget again. You're my princess, Savita. I'll never let anything happen to you. I'll slay your dragons. I'll chase away the demons that invade your sleep - and, trust me, I know they will come - but they're no match for me, my love. I'll be there for you no matter what - if you'll let me be."

Review of Down and Out in London and Paris By George Orwell   Review of "Nobody's Perfect"   Review of Down and Out in London and Paris By George Orwell   

Customizing Websites Made Possible Only By WordPress Development

WordPress entered the market in the year 2003 and since then it has become as one of the best open source technologies and the most preferred blogging tool for users all over the world. The ease of use and flexibility that it provides to its users has made it earn world wide applause because of which the Development community is growing like never before. All those aspirants who wish to establish a new website or upgrade an existing one then WordPress Development is the most advantageous way to do it. And to avail end results with top quality you must hire an expert WordPress Developer.

Nowadays WordPress has become the first preference for every business website to establish their online presence. Development is greatly used in developing forum portal, web directories, web portals, coupon sites and the most important of all to make blogging sites. With the assistance of expert offshore WordPress Developers you can add up high-level of interactivity, accessibility, usability and functionality in your custom online website.

When you seek help from an expert WordPress developer you are sure to avail top services for your WordPress website with a unique content management system and interactive Theme Development. These professionals make sure that your WordPress is well equipped with all the latest trends and techniques prevailing in the market in order to give you an added advantage over your competitors.

Let us explore the list of exclusive services offered by offshore WordPress Developers for Custom Development:

WordPress Design Implementation WordPress Customized Development Custom Modules Development WordPress Blog Customization WordPress Theme Development Maintenance of WordPress WordPress Module Installation WordPress Template Development WordPress extensions Development WordPress CMS Development

WordPress has out reached all the other open source platforms available in the market with its high end usability and user friendliness. This unique platform serves its users with highly customizable templates and attractive designs through which you can anytime modify fonts, banners, graphics, logos, widgets, etc. with utmost ease. So to avail the far reaching benefits of a WordPress website you must hire a professional developer from a professional website designing and development company. A lot of companies in the market have emerged to serve with top notch WordPress website development solutions at affordable rates to clients all over the world.

Once the WordPress website is developed by an expert WordPress developer then managing it on later stages are just a child's play. The best quality of WordPress development is that it is extremely user friendly and easy to manage. You don't need to have technical knowledge to upgrade your WordPress website on your own. You can easily update content, images and videos on your website as and when required. Also with WordPress plugin Development you can add or remove different types of features on your WordPress website in order to make it more effective and appealing that will help in pouring in huge traffic for business. Even you get the options of incorporating your website with an RSS feed for your blog as a result of which people can be updated with your updates frequently as it suits them. In short WordPress is the right way to craft your dream website into reality so you must not miss out on this miraculous technology.

Using Content Management System for Business Growth   How Can I Make My Own Website Quickly?   What Is Server Downtime?   Do You Know About The Importance Of Desktop Application Development?   Hire Drupal Developers for Custom Drupal Business Solutions   WordPress - Is It Really Popular?   

5 Key Points to Consider When Growing Your Business Blog

1. Blog Content

Blog with utmost motivation and know what you are blogging about. If you simply blog based on others' ideas, you are likely to run out of ideas and your blog will begin to sound uninteresting. Blogging is simply about delivering your message and getting people to read it and learn from it. A good blog is something that readers actually see useful that they decide to use it in their actual lives.

See to it that your content is not too long. Blogs with very long content appear to be very difficult and tiresome to read. Short, interesting and direct to the point contents are draw people to read a blog. Keep your content interesting too! Choose topics that readers can learn from and apply to their personal lives.

2. Blog Consistency

Use a consistent format in delivering your content. People who find your post interesting will get used to the kind of format you use - having diverse format or style will only lead your readers to confusion, so choose one style and stick to it. Similarly, make sure you commit to updating your blogs regularly, as your readers will be expecting more from your site once they have learned to appreciate your blog content.

3. Creativity

People usually remember blogs they find very interesting. When you keep your blog interesting and creative, your readers will probably bookmark your site on their computers. Learn to be more creative in every content you post and you'll surely capture your readers' attention.

4. Efficiency

In order for your blog to be truly efficient, you need to market and publicize your own blog. One way to do this is to create a harmonious relationship with other bloggers and sites. You may want to follow and keep updated with their posts as they will do the same with yours.

5. Traffic

This is another important aspect to consider if you want your blog to grow. In order to draw traffic to your site, check if you are using proper keywords for your posts; you may also tie up with other social networking sites by linking your site with theirs. You may also link back to your previous posts so people can get to read more of your content. And do not forget to enable sharing, as this could also promote traffic to your site.

Niche Blogging: Find Your Right Niche   Blogging Dos and Don'ts for Mompreneurs   Improving the Reading Experience Of Blog Visitors   Google Trends: A Keyword Tool That Creates Money For You   

Felines Of North America

Even though their numbers are down, North America is home to numerous species of wild cats. The most common and the only one not on the threatened or endangered list, is the ornery Bobcat. He is the "Lynx Rufus" which means he is in same family as the Canada Lynx, but he is a lot more versatile than the Canada Lynx. The Bobcat used to be wide spread over most of the US. But for years he was labeled as a nuisance and was either ran out of the area or was shot, and this has seriously hurt the population numbers. Still though, they are the most successful of any of the North American wild cats. They eat a wider variety of food which is a big help. The Canada Lynx eats almost exclusively Snow Shoe Hares. The Bobcat will eat a wide range of food including hares, Cottontail Rabbits, mice, rats, gophers, birds, eggs, reptiles or about anything else they can catch.

The Bobcat is only slightly larger than the average house cat, at apx 21 inches high and 10-30 pounds. Their back legs are slightly longer than the front which gives the impression that they are a lot bigger than they really are. They usually have 1-6 kittens with 2-3 the average in the spring. The eyes open at 9 days, and they nurse for 3-4 months. At 5 months mom starts taking them out to learn the fine art of hunting. They will stay with mom learning until the next spring and breeding time. The Bobcat has been known to live over 30 years in captivity, but usually only 12-13 in the wild.

The Lynx is like the Bobcats cold weather cousin. Lynx are about the same size as a Bobcat, but the Canada Lynx has cold weather gear on. Their feet are bigger than the Bobcats and with the extra hair they have on them their feet work as snowshoes. Their ear tufts are bigger and the ruff around their face is fuzzier. Canadian Lynx is a good example of the relationship between predator and prey. They have tracked the Lynx for years and watch the fluxuation up and down. Most populations of Snowshoe Hares run in cycles of 8-11 years. The Canada Lynx population followed the flow. If there isn't much food they may skip a year of having kittens. Wait till conditions are more favorable to try to raise a family. Most kittens don't make it to adulthood as is. It's hard raising a family no matter who you are. The Canada Lynx has been recorded living as long as 21 years in captivity and 15 in the wild.

Another North American cat that is pretty scarce is the Ocelot or Painted leopard. The little cat used to run most of the southern US. Now every now and then there is a sighting in Texas or Arizona then as you go farther into Mexico they become more common. The Ocelot has been studied in several different habitat types. Like most cats they are primarily nocturnal, they are territorial and primarily solitary unless mom and kits. The fur trade for the Ocelots beautiful coat has put this cat on the endangered list for US.

Felines Of North America   

What to Do If Your Child Is Being Bullied

Bullying can have serious effects on your child and needs to be stopped immediately. If you believe that your child is a victim of bullying your participation is critical to a successful outcome. We've provided suggestions below on how to help your child being bullied.

Open Communication

As parents it is difficult not to let our emotions get the best of us when we hear that someone is harming our child. However it is extremely important not to get upset when your child is talking to you about the situation. Stay calm and ask questions. You want to have a full understanding of the situation before you take action. You also want your child to feel comfortable talking to you about these types of issues.

Stand Up

Studies have been done that shows bullies will stop their harassing when someone tells them to stop in a strong assertive voice. It may not work with all bullies but it is important to teach your child to stand up to the bully. Teach the differences between aggressive and assertive voices, as well as body language. If staying "stop" with an assertive voice does not work, teach your child to find a teacher or an adult.

Take Action

If the bullying continues it may be time to talk with your child's teacher or principal. When speaking with the school make it clear that you want to help solve the issue. Your main concern is the well being of not only your child but all students.

Create Policy

Many schools already have an anti-bullying policy but if your child's school doesn't it is important that one be created. An anti bullying policy creates a plan of action and consequences if bullying occurs.


If your child is being bullied there is a good chance that his/her self-esteem is down. It is important to show them that they can still be social outside of school in a safe environment. Arrange activities outside of school for them to participate in. Children who have friends are less likely to be bullying victims. It will also help take their mind off the negative effects of the bullying.

Get Help

Bullying can have serious physical and physiological effects on children. Parents should consider getting help from a counselor or a mental health provider to help the child deal with his/her issue.

Stick Together

Bullies like to target kids when they are alone. Urge your child to stick with at least one other kid at all times during school.

Cyber bullying

Today's technology has made cyber bullying increasing common among kids. If your child is being cyber bullied teach your child not to respond and to let you know. Many children fail to realize that by responding back they may be taking part in the bullying and whatever is written can be used against them.

Follow Up. Once the bullying situation is resolved the situation is far from over. It is a parent's job to continue to communicate with their child and know the signs of bullying so that if another issue arises, you'll be prepared.

November Is National Adoption Awareness Month   

Saving Money With Penny Auctions

Penny auctions are growing in popularity on the Internet. They are a variation of the standard auction, Dutch auction or reverse auction format.

In the standard auction, people bid on objects until the price for the object goes no higher. It's free to bid on the item. The winner pays for the object won.

A Dutch auction is the type where the object's starting price is high and the auctioneer lowers the object's price until the auctioneer's reserve price is met. There are no opposing bids. Rather, the only bid is the winning bid when the price is low enough to be acceptable to one buyer.

In a reverse auction, sellers compete by sealed or anonymous bids and the price of the object goes down. This is the similar model that many businesses use to obtain good or services when they ask for bids; usually the lowest of the competing sealed bids wins.

In an online penny auction, sometimes called a bidding fee auction, bidders pay small nonrefundable fees, usually one cent, with each bid. The winner pays the final price in addition to the bidding fees already paid. Objects sold are usually listed much below their true market rate, in order to entice potential bidders to pay for the bids. Bidders buy the right to bid in increments called bid packages, the exact package depending upon the exact online auction. Another way to look at them is to think that with each bid, the price of the item increases by one cent. Why are items offered at such low prices? In part because purchasing bid packs defrays the cost of the merchandise. The format is livelier than that of standard auctions. There's always something happening during the course of the auctions. Mere seconds matter. The excitement is almost as much a draw as the chance of winning the item itself is.

Popular items include desirable electronics. Compared to standard auctions, the starting prices of items is much lower. The latest flat screen television, the newest electronic tablet and the most modern cellular telephone: just about any of these can be found on a penny auction site starting at just a few dollars.

Penny auctions are timed in the sense that each bid advances the clock by a preset amount of time. The person who placed the last bid before the clock reaches zero won the auction. Seasoned bidders say the best strategy is to wait to bid, rather than to bid early.

Is an online penny auction for everybody? That depends. Perhaps a good strategy is to join some online auction sites and watch a few auctions. Not only is it a good way to decide if they would be fun, it's a good way to see which penny auctions sites to join and an excellent way to learn some useful auctions strategies.

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